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  • عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
  • رقم الهاتف

Exchange and Return Policy

Can I return or exchange water after purchasing it?

Yes, you can return or exchange the water if you are not satisfied with our services or if there is a clear defect in the packaging or the water inside the carton

When can I return the water after purchase?

You can return the water within a week from the time of purchase shown in the invoice, provided that it is returned in the same original condition without use

How can I return the water after purchase?

Just contact us at 0580674444 and you will be informed of the full return procedures.

How do I get a refund?

If the conditions of return apply, the amount will be delivered in the same way in which the purchase was made.. In the case of cash, the amount will be returned immediately upon delivery of water

In the case of a credit card, the amount will be returned to the same card number within 14 working days

I returned the goods and the amount was not returned to my account after the mentioned period?

Check with your bank

Are there any conditions for returns?

The water must be in its original condition at the time of receipt. In the event of any defect resulting from misuse or storage, we apologize for receiving it for health reasons. The original purchase invoice or a copy of it must also be present. In the event of a defect or defect in the product due to a clear manufacturing defect, it shall be replaced or returned According to the company’s policy, it is also possible to return part of the products in one invoice in the event of a clear workmanship defect only, but in the event of return without reason, all products must be returned in the invoice to return the full amount with deduction of delivery expenses according to the policy of the Ministry of Commerce

I bought a product that had a discount or offer, can I return it?

Unfortunately, products purchased with a special offer or discount cannot be returned

Is there a cost to be deducted from the amount of the goods?

Yes .. the cost of shipping the products will be deducted from your site for the company, which is determined by the company according to its internal policy, and you will be informed of the cost when you contact the return

Terms and Conditions

Your use of the Suqia Al-Madina app / website and your submission of your personal information to us constitutes your acceptance of the terms contained in the privacy policy, by referring to “the company” or “we”, it represents the City Waterpark company registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while “you” or “user” it Represent anyone who uses the City Water App or Website. If you do not agree to these terms, you must stop using the application / website now

Is my information safe?

In the event that you use the Service, you must be assured that we do our best to protect your personal data, prevent illegal or unauthorized access to it and even protect it from processing, alteration and loss. Although various protection measures have been taken and improved,

We disclaim all responsibility for any breach that occurs from your contact or from parties outside our control as no system or technology can remain completely safe from damages, so if you feel any loophole within the application / site, you can contact us to work on a solution this problem through the following e-mail: info@sokia.sa

How is the process of processing electronic payment within the application / website?

Suqia Al-Madina uses a trusted third party to process electronic payments, and these processes do not apply to people who choose “pay on delivery” during the shopping process. This third party may request information about your credit card and may ask you to access your contact list and may We ask for some permissions to improve your service such as getting your location coordinates to improve the delivery process

Do you share my personal data with any other parties?

The privacy of Suqia Al-Madina users is the most important thing that we try to protect in every possible way, as we never sell this data, but some necessary information may be shared with a third party for the purpose of improving your experience of using our services, and the goals for which we collect this data are statistical and marketing objectives only. Such as the number of users and where they benefit from the service or the products that have been shown or requested

What are the powers that the system requires from me?

Access to phone status: Access to your location coordinates to facilitate the delivery process and calculate the time required to deliver the order to your address

If you browse the store, we will not collect any personal data about you until you decide to use and benefit from the service, and if you use it, we collect, for example, the personal data described below

•           The name

•           E-mail

•           Mobile number

Location and address “This sometimes requires activating the GPS feature.”

In addition to the cookies for your browsing of the site / application

How we use personal data?

We collect personal data for the following reasons:

Registration in the application

Personalize your experience in the app to get the best possible experience of shopping with Suqia Al Madinah

Planning to know the time that will be taken in the delivery process

Inform you about promotions

Communicate with you

Is my personal data safe?

We use very advanced technologies to keep your data private and prevent it from being lost, stolen or hacked

Can I modify my details?

You can modify your personal data by logging into your account in the application or website, or by communicating with customer service by pressing the Contact Us button from the side menu within the application / website

Right to modify the terms of use?

Water City has the full right to update its terms of use, whether by adding or deleting new terms or amending existing terms at any time

How do we notify Suqia Al-Madina users of any update in the Terms of Use?

We will not send any notification or email about updates to the Terms of Use, but you can always find out about any update by visiting this page

What is the law that governs the condition?

These Terms of Use are governed by the law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and your acceptance of them means your agreement to submit to the jurisdiction of the Saudi courts

Do you have any questions?

If you have any inquiries, questions or concerns about these terms, we are always welcome to answer your questions and inquiries, you can contact us directly through the email info@sokia.sa and you will be answered as soon as possible